
剑桥大学 英文介绍.ppt

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Outline History and location School badge and school motto Schools,faculties and departments Notable alumni and academics View spot-----bridge Library 校徽(school badge? ) The logo meaning Badge constitute : a cross Four parts a graphics in the middle like a platform evergreen tree and people the eyes The logo meaning The color: Sapphire blue(宝石蓝) Loyalty, firmness, mercy and truth The shape: Shield(盾牌) Glory, grave, noble and elegant Conclusion These educational background with Cambridge university want to match, at the same time with the UK university inertia is corresponds to form the education ideal of a gentleman. 牛剑之争 “牛剑之争” 在近几年英国综合性大学的排行榜上,牛津的位置一直排在剑桥之后,这多少让牛津人有些愤愤不平,于是就拿两校校徽上的区别做起文章来。剑桥大学和牛津大学的校徽上都有一本书,只是剑桥的那本书是合上的,而牛津的那本是打开的。牛津人嘲笑剑桥人不用功读书,只拿书本装点门面,没想到剑桥人毫不犹豫地回击:“哪能啊,是你们读书太慢,我们都学完了,你们还在学。” 校训 剑桥大学的拉丁文校训是:“Hinc lucem et pocula sacra.”英译为“Here light and sacred draughts.”或“ From here we receive light and sacred draughts.”)。汉译为:“求知学习的理想之地。”或“此地乃启蒙之所,智慧之源。” Schools, faculties and departments Peter house 彼得学院 In 1284 Cambridge’s first college. Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Homerton College哈默顿学院 18071?full-time?students,?including 5969?graduate students, 70%graduate students from other?university Graduate?38%?students?from outside the European Union,? ?girls accounted for 46.7%;? ?American?students up to?about 680,?about?620 people come?from??China? six major schools:学会 Arts and Humanities Biological Sciences Clinical Medicine Humanities and Social Sciences Physical Sciences Technology Major Departments Faculty of Architecture and History of Art Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages Faculty of Music Human, Social, and Political Science - HSPS Faculty of Biology Faculty of Economics 。。。 Notable alumni and academics 著名校友 Sir Isaac Newton(牛顿) Sir Francis Bacon(培根) Charles Darwin(达尔文) William Wordsworth(华兹华斯) Lord Byron(拜伦) 徐志摩(旁听生、国王学院) Newton(1643-1727) physicist mathematician astronomer the law of gravity


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