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* BOOK 1 - Unit 1 - Pre-reading Task - Listening Practice Listen to a song called Beautiful Boy. It is a lullaby (摇篮曲) the famous British pop singer, John Lennon, sings for his baby son. Enjoy yourself. Then complete the following statements according to what you have heard. BOOK 1 - Unit 1 - Pre-reading Task - Listening Practice 1. In Lennons view, growing up means having [a long way to go]; life is not always what one has planned, but can be quite an adventure, full of [surprises/the unexpected]. 2. A hard row to hoe is used in the song to describe growing up as a [difficult] process. 3. Sadly John Lennon [never did live/did not live] to see his son grow up; Lennon was killed by [a mad man] when his son was still only [five years old]. [a long way to go] [surprises/the unexpected] [difficult] [never did live/did not live] [a mad man] [five years old] BOOK 1 - Unit 1 - Text A - Comprehension 1. One of you asks the first six questions and the other answers. Starting from question 7, change roles. When you have finished, the teacher may want to put some of the questions to you for a check. BOOK 1 - Unit 1 - Text A - Comprehension 1. How did Baker use to feel about English courses? [He used to be utterly bored by English courses.] 2. When did he begin to think it possible for him to become a writer? [When he was in the third year in high school.] 3. What did Baker hear about Mr. Fleagle? What was his own impression (印象) of his new English teacher? [He heard that Mr. Fleagle was dull, formal, rigid, and hopelessly out of date, and unable to inspire. He thought he was excessively prim and proper.] 4. Why did he put off the writing assignment till the last minute? [He used to be utterly bored by English courses.] [When he was in the third year in high school.] [He heard that Mr. Fleagle was dull, formal, rigid, and hopelessly out of date, and unable to inspire. He thought he was excessively prim and proper.] BOOK 1 - Unit 1 - Text A - Comprehension [Because he expe


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