八上 20期 期末测试题二.doc

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八上 20期 期末测试题二

八上 20期 期末测试题二 词语狙击 单词大本营 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词,使句子完整通顺。 I want to go_______(到某处) warm.Its too cold here. Read the instructions before you take the _______(药). Tina did best in yesterdays singing______(竞赛). Pedro is so______(激动的) that he cant say anything. My sister and I are going to the cinema______(一起). Alice had a bad______(头痛),so she went to bed early. Its______ (必要的) for us to exercise every day. Hangzhou is_____(著名的) for the West Lake. It took me 10______(分钟) to walk to the train station yesterday. ______(人人) in the classroom is listening to the teacher carefully. 抛砖引玉 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整通顺。 After a q_______ breakfast, Rose walked to school. Jack goes to the movies o________ a week, only on Saturday. There are o_____ 4,000 students in our school. We listened but h_____ nothing at last. We usually eat three m_______ a day. Mr Green is going to speak at the parents m_______ tomorrow. Tony is shy and quiet,but his brother is a_____ in everything. Its not easy to learn a f_____ language well in a short time. Dumplings and tofu are t________ Chinese food. Linda worked hard on Chinese and got a good g______ last term. 随机应变 用所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子完整通顺。 Thousands of_____(visit) come to the dolphin show every day. A _____(health) lifestyle can help you study better. Jack wants to be a successful_____(act) like Jackie Chan. Liu Qing likes the music from the _____(west) countries. Take it______(serious).Im not joking. 异曲同工 补全下列句子的同义句 Im sure youll have a good time at the party. Im sure youll_____ ______ at the party. Vince borrowed my dictionary two days ago. I_____ my dictionary ____ Vince two days ago. English isnt as difficult as maths. Maths is _____ ____ ______ English. His father usually goes to work by bike. His father usually_____ ______ ______ to work. Holly is good at painting. Holly____ _____ ______ paining. 翻译小能手 根据汉语意思及括号中的英文提示翻译句子。 经常做眼保健操对你的眼睛有好处。(be good at) _____________


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