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horn [C] a hard, pointed, often curved part that grows from the top of the heads of some animals (牛、羊等的)角 A mature cow has horns. 成熟的母牛有一对角。 Horns are very useful weapons for some animals. |对某些动物来说,角是非常有用的武器。 2. [C] a device for sounding a warning signal 喇叭;号角 The bus driver sounded his horn at the children in the street. 公共汽车驾驶员向街上的孩子们鸣喇叭。 A car passed him at top speed, sounding its horn. 一辆汽车鸣着喇叭,全速从他身边驶过。 LOGO Today, American coins honor prominent figures of the US government—mostly famous former presidents. But the Buffalo nickel, produced from 1913 to 1938, honored a pair of connected tragedies from the settlement of the American frontier—the destruction of the buffalo herds and the American Indians. Home new wards Tragedy [tr?d?idi] 名词 n. 1.悲剧体裁[U] Tragedy is a type of literature that involves death, suffering or disaster. 悲剧作品是文学的一种,内容常涉及死亡,不幸和灾难。 2.(一出)悲剧[C] Shakespeares Hamlet is one of the best known tragedies. 莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》是最有名的悲剧之一。 3.悲剧性事件;惨案;灾难[C][U] The traffic accident is really a tragedy. 这次车祸真是个悲剧。 LOGO new wards LOGO settlement [setlm?nt] 名词 n. 1.解决[U][C] the settlement of differences 分歧的解决 2.清算,结帐[U][C] the settlement of an account 结帐 3.殖民;定居[U] 4.殖民地;新拓居地;租界[C] The British Empire had many settlements. 大英帝国有许多殖民地 new wards LOGO frontier [fr?ntj?] 名词 n. [C] 1.国境,边境;边疆[(+between/with)] Everything is quiet on the frontier. 边境上一切安静。 2.【美】(靠近未开发地带的)边远地区[the S] 3.(探索活动的)新领域;未完全开拓的领域[P1][(+of)] Professor Field is devoted to the exploration of the frontiers of medicine. 菲尔德教授致力于探索医学研究的新领域。 new wards LOGO destruction [distr?k??n] 名词 n. 1.破坏;毁灭;消灭[U] The flood caused serious destruction to the railway. 洪水严重毁坏了铁路。 2.毁灭的原因 new wards LOGO herd [h?:d] 名词 n. 1.畜群;牧群[C][G] We saw a herd of elephants yesterday. 昨天我们见到了一群大象。 2.(常用以构成合成词)放牧人[C] 3.【贬】民众, 4.拓展:a flock of :一群(鸟、羊) a herd of :(牛、猪、象) a pack of :一群(犬、狼) a sw


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