剑桥英语预备级unit10 what are you doing.ppt

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brush teeth ~ brushing teeth read books ~ reading books take a bath ~ taking a bath play a game ~ playing a game have breakfast ~ having breakfast watch TV ~ watching TV tell a story ~ telling a story climb the tree ~ climbing the tree 现在进行时就是指现在正在进行的动作或者事情,翻译为 :谁正在做····事。 现在进行时的形式: 主语+ am/is/are +doing (动词ing) 现在进行时的提问句: What are you doing? What is he/she/it doing? 游泳– swim --swimming What are they doing ? They are swimming. 哭泣 – cry — crying * brush teeth 刷牙 read books 看书 take a bath 沐浴 play a game 玩游戏 have breakfast 吃早餐 watch TV 看电视 tell a story 讲故事 play hide-and-seek 玩捉迷藏 climb the tree 爬树 play football 踢足球 They are brushing their teeth what are they doing ? They are reading books what are they doing ? They are taking a bath what are they doing ? They are playing a game what are they doing? They are having breakfast what are they doing? They are watching TV what are they doing? They are telling a story what are they doing? They are playing hide-and-seek what are they doing? They are climbing the tree what are they doing? They are playing football what are they doing? Let`s go to the zoo ! What are animals doing ? 吃饭 -- eat -- eating What are they doing They are eating. 睡觉 -- sleep -- sleeping What are they doing ? They are sleeping. 刷牙 – brush the teeth – brushing their teeth What are they doing ? They are brushing the teeth. *



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