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课题 Lesson7 Planting Trees 课时 课型   名言警句: Art is long, but life is short. 人生有限,学问无涯。 1.掌握单词及短语:hole,large,cover,fill...with,by the way,for sure等的用法。2.掌握本单元的有关栽树的方法、程序以及一些有关栽树的日常用语和句式。 流程 重难点 重点:hole,large,cover,fill...with,by the way,for sure等的用法。 难点:enough的用法。 Design the class Preview and basic knowledge 授课教师教师补充 预习提示(有目的的预习) Think about it! When is Tree Planting Day in China? What are the basic steps for planting a tree? 【预习检测】 授课教师教师补充 Read the lesson and finish Let’s Do It! No.1 Discuss in pair,then write the basic steps for planting a tree. (自主参与、合作探究、展示交流)(小组活动) Read the lesson and finish Let’s Do It!No.2and No.3 授课教师教师补充 认真阅读课文,回答下列问题(带着问题思考) What are the basic steps for planting a tree? Improve yourself Language points: 一. 探究(看看你理解了多少) 1.Maybe you should make the hole a little bigger. 也许你应该吧坑挖的再大一点儿。 make 作使役动词,在句中意为“使,使成为”,后跟复合结构,即“make +宾语+宾语补足语”。 “ make+宾语 +形容词”表示“使某人或某事(变得)......”。例如: The news made us happy. You should make the classroom clean. It must be large enough to hold the roots of the seeding. (坑)必须足够大使之能够放得下小树的根。 Enough 在句中作副词,意为 “足够地,充足地”,修饰形容词或副词,放在其后。Enough用作形容词作定语时,可修饰可数名词或不可数名词,可放在被修饰的名词前或后。 例如: He walks slowly enough. The math problem is easy enough for the boy to work out. Homework 课后反思 课题 Lesson8 Why Are Plants Important? 课时 课型   名言警句: A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真交。 1.掌握的词汇1basic, pleasant, shade, fufill 2. 掌握的词汇:.It’s pleasant to do..., take energy from..., in a word 流程 重难点 掌握下列的词汇及用法 :It’s pleasant to do..., take energy from..., in a word Design the class Preview and basic knowledge 授课教师教师补充 预习提示(有目的的预习) Think about it! 1.W



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