关于海妖塞壬的英语ppt:Daily report about Siren.ppt

关于海妖塞壬的英语ppt:Daily report about Siren.ppt

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关于海妖塞壬的英语ppt:Daily report about Siren

Daily report Given by: 静水_辰小y Have you ever known about the Sirens? Starbucks Ancient Paintings Sculpture Games Modern 《The story of Sirens》 Far out in the sea there was an island, on the rocky edge of which lived three Sirens, the three sisters of magic song. Half human and half bird, the Siren sisters sat in a field of flowers, singing in voices that excited the hearts of men. The attractive songs were so sweet that ships were attracted to the island and struck to pieces on the rocks. Neither sailor nor ship had ever been known to pass the Island of the Sirens without being attracted to disaster. Acting on the advice of Circe, Odysseus took careful preparation against the Sirens. Before their ships came to where they could hear the song, Odysseus had himself tied to the mast (桅杆,柱) , stopped the ears of his men with wax (蜡) and ordered them to ignore his orders and gestures when they were passing the fatal (致命的)island. Soon they came in sight of the rocky island, and the attractive song reached the ears of Odysseus. It moved him so much that he struggled in despair to free himself and shouted for his men to turn towards the rich and flowery grass land of the singing sisters. But no one paid any attention to him. The sailors kept straight on until they were completely out of hearing. Then his friends freed him and took the wax out of their ears. For once the Sirens had sung with no effects. The eldest of the sisters, Partherope, loved Odysseus so much that she threw herself into the sea after his ships had passed.    Thank you~


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