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* 动词的现在分词 动词现在分词的变化规则 1、一般情况下,直接在动词后加---ing work---working sleep---sleeping study---studying 2、动词以不发音的-e结尾,去-e加---ing take---taking make---making dance---dancing 3、重读闭音节的动词,要双写词尾的字母,再加---ing swim---swimming 周六游泳天气好 get---getting 小明早晨未起早 sit---sitting put---putting 坐起忙把衣服穿好 run---running 时间不早开始跑 begin---beginning forget---forgetting 忘带午饭又把商店找 shop---shopping cut---cutting stop---stopping A: What do you see? B: I see… A: What is it doing? B: It is… a bird a dolphin a rabbit a mouse flying swimming jumping eating monkey playing the ball an elephant running Try to say them out correctly. ( 试一试,看谁说得准.) put give dance sit plant take ask stop have smoke fly run swim write putting giving dancing sitting planting taking asking stopping having smoking flying running swimming writing --What is Mike doing? He is playing the computer game. --Look!Mikesfriends _________now. --Yes,it is a sunny day today. are fishing ---Uncle Wang is climing the mountain in the open air. ---So,what is her wife doing now? --She _________She may want to make a big dinner for his husband. 做一顿大餐 is shopping. What are you doing?I ____. A eat B can eat C eating D am eating D The boy isnt ______his teater. A listen B listens C listening D listening to 否定句直接在be动词后加not 听讲 D Our teacher is____red sweater. A putting on B put C put on D puts put on 穿 A Fill in blanks: It‘s a fine day sunday morning.There are many people in the park. Look!Two people___________(play)with yo-yos. are playing A girl________(fly) a kite. Two boys__________(mend) the boat. is fiying are mending fly a kite mend a boat 修船 *


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