
医疗相关感染的预防策略 Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections Updated Guidance.docx

医疗相关感染的预防策略 Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections Updated Guidance.docx

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医疗相关感染的预防策略 Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections Updated Guidance

Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections: Updated GuidanceLaura A. Stokowski, RN, MSReviewed by:?Deborah S. Yokoe, MD, MPHDecember 10, 2014In 2008, the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) published a comprehensive compendium of evidence-based strategies to prevent healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) with its partners, the Infectious Diseases Society of America, the American Hospital Association, the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, and the Joint Commission.[1]?In 2014, this compendium was updated to reflect new evidence in the field of HAI prevention.[2]This slideshow provides the highlights of recommended basic and advanced strategies to prevent HAIs, and are aimed at frontline healthcare personnel (HCP). The complete compendium, divided into separate chapters on each HAI with an additional chapter on hand hygiene, is available?here.Full-text chapters provide further details on prevention strategies, performance measures, surveillance, reporting, implementation strategies, and examples of interventions and approaches that are not recommended.Images from CDC/Alamy/Science SourceCatheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI)The chief risk factor for CAUTI is the duration that a urinary catheter (UC) remains in situ. To reduce overuse of UCs:Develop facility indications for use of UCs;Educate HCP about alternatives to UCs; andInsert UCs only when necessary, and leave in only as long as indications remain.Read SHEAs?2014 CAUTI prevention update.Image from DreamstimeCAUTI Prevention?The basics:Use strict aseptic insertion technique with sterile supplies (gloves, drapes, sponges, disinfectant, lubricant);Maintain a sterile closed drainage system;Secure UC and tubing to prevent traction;Maintain unobstructed urine flow;Use routine hand hygiene;Replace the UC and collection system if contaminated, disconnected, or leaking; andTake samples aseptically from a needleless port or drainage bag.Consider a proto


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