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What type of music is it? Pop music Mozart was born in Austria in 1756. Before he was six he played not only the piano, but also the violin and the organ. His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities. He wrote his first opera at the age of 12 and hundreds of beautiful pieces of music for the classical orchestra. But he died in 1791 when he was only 35. Some people say he was the greatest European composer. It’s the capital city of Austria and the centre of European classical music. 它是奥地利的首都,也是欧洲古典音乐的中心。 centre n.中心(指在某方面占据重要地位) 辨析 centre&middle 1. centre 表示立体事物的中心,只用于空间概念,多指物体的正中心,可以引申为使人感兴趣的中心 middle可以用于时间和空间概念,指中间或中部,它表示的位置不如centre精确。例如: Mr. Green lives in the middle of England. 格林先生住在英格兰的中部。 2.表示学术、工业、商业等比喻用法中的“中心”,通常只能用centre,而不能用middle。例如: London is one of the financial centres of the world. 伦敦是世界金融中心之一。 The most famous family of musicians was the Strauss family. 其中著名的音乐家族就是施特劳斯家族。 Family ”家庭;家人“,指”家庭“时,作为第三人称单数使用;指”家人“时,表示复数。例如: My family are very well. 我家人都很好。 拓展 Home 指”家“,带有感情色彩,表示家里人共同生活的地方,强调一种环境和氛围。例如: We are watching TV at home. 我们正在家里看电视。 House 指”房屋“,只强调建筑物本身。例如: There are many houses in our village. 我们村里有很多新房子。 His Waltzs made him famous all over Europe. 他的华尔兹乐曲使他闻名于整个欧洲。 make+sb.+adj. “使某人……” The music makes me happy.这首乐曲使我很高兴。 Before he was six he played not only the piano, but also the violin and the organ. 在他不到六岁时,他不但会弹钢琴,而且会演奏小提琴和管风琴。 Not only…but also…”不但……而且……“,连接两个并列成分,当连接主语时,其谓语动词的形式由靠近动词的主语决定,即”就近原则“。例如: She likes not only singing but also dancing. 她不仅喜欢唱歌而且喜欢跳舞。 He wrote his first opera at the age of 12 and hundreds of beautiful pieces of music for the classical orchestra. 他在12岁时谱写了他的第一部歌剧,并且为古典管弦乐队谱写了数百支动听的乐曲。 此处at the age of ”在……岁时“相当于when 引导的时间状语从句,即when one was …years old 例如: He became a doctor at the age of 27. = He became a doctor when he was 27 years old. 他27岁时成为了一名医生。 But he died in 1791


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