大学体验英语第一册Unit 3.ppt

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大学体验英语第一册Unit 3

After Reading Useful Expression 7. 对…是至关重要的 be vital to 8. 把…变为… transform ... into 9. 是由 …引起的 result from 10. 矿物燃料 fossil fuels 11. 导致 result in 12. 温室气体 greenhouse gases After Reading Useful Expression 13. 远道而来 all the way 14. 影响 impact on 15. 并非取之不竭 not inexhaustible 16.无可挽回的地步 the point of no return 17. 与…分享你的高见 share your wisdom with 18.过着双重标准的生活 live divided lives After Reading Useful Expression 19.贪得无厌 be greedy for 20. 上瘾的消费者 an addicted consumer 21. 滥用资源 abuse resources 22. 采取行动 take action 23.袖手旁观 sit back 24.处理 deal with Earth Hour What is Earth Hour? When will it start this year? Watch a video clip (Earth Hour 2011). Suppose you were the chairman of the Student Union in SEU, how would you organize an on-campus activity for the coming of Earth Hour? After Reading Oral Practice 1 Work in pairs. Two students are talking about limiting car use. One insists that the unnecessary car journey be cut out while the other thinks it’d be unfair to private motorist and harmful to the car industry. Hints: green measure, ration petrol, public transport, inconvenient, develop environmentally clean vehicles, fast and efficient railway systems, car industry, unemployment After Reading Oral Practice 2 Students do research online before the debate about the Three Gorges Dam. Situation: A debate between foreign visitors, who have just come to visit /china, and their Chinese friends, college students, about the pros and cons of building the Three Gorges Dam. Role A: the foreign visitors, believe that building such a large dam will bring about some damages to the ecosystem, hence it will bring more disadvantages than advantages. Role B: The Chinese students argue that the project will prevent serious flooding and reduce coal burning for electricity, hence it involves m


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