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Unit 1Never Say Goodbye1. confront: vt.1)be faced with and have to deal withe.g. ①The actress was confronted by a large group of reporters as she left the stage door.②Whenever we are confronted with any difficulties, we shouldn’t give up what we are doing.2) force to deal with or accept the truths of; bring face to face withe.g.When the police confronted her with the evidence, she confessed she was guilty.Collocations:be confronted with / confront sb. with sth.Synonyms: encounter, face2.anguish: n. very great pain and suffering, esp. of the minde.g.Lear, a broken, confused old man, died in anguish. 李尔王,这位身心交瘁、精神恍惚的老人在痛苦中死去。Derivations: anguished: adj. anguish: vt.Synonyms:pain, suffering①Outsiders will find it hard to imagine the mental anguish we had to go through. ②An anguished look appeared on her face. ③She was in anguish over her missing child. 3. gracefully: adv. 1) in an attractively and effortlessly fine and smooth mannere.g. Already in her fifties, she danced gracefully on the stage last night, attracting a large audience.The figure skater glided gracefully on the ice.花样滑冰者在冰上优雅地滑行。2) in a way that shows willingness to behave fairly and honorablye.g.The request was gracefully refused.这个请求被礼貌地回绝了。Derivations: graceful: adj. gracen.Comparison:gracious, gracefulgraceful: moving in a smooth and attractive way, or having an attractive shape or formgracious: behaving in a polite, kind, and generous way, especially to people of a lower rank.Thank you for your gracious hospitality.The lady of small waist is elegant and graceful.4.touch: vt. vi.1) put one’s hand onto sth. or sb. elsee.g.Visitors are requested not totouch the paintings.2) have an effect on one’s feelings; cause one to feel pity, sympathy, etc.e.g.Her plight has touched the hearts of people around the world. 她所处的困境牵动着全世界人民的心。The environmental problems touch us all.这些环境问题与我们所有人都有关。Collocation:be touched withe.g.Her hair is touched with grey. 他有些灰发了。Derivations: touched: adj. touching: adj.5.shudder:


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