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X线造影简易遥控注射器的设计及应用 刘荣 白刃 刘刚 王垚明 四川省成都市金牛区人民医院放射科,四川 成都 610036 Design and application of simple syringe with remote control for X-ray angiography LIU Rong, BAI Ren,LIU Gang,WANG Yao-ming (X-ray Department, JinNiu People’s Hospital of ChengDu City, ChengDu 610036, China) Abstract: Objective Design a simple syringe with remote control that can be used in ordinary X-ray department, to avoid clinician suffer irradiate of X-ray scattering line when the clinician conducted on X-ray angiography. Methods Get the piston handle of syringe connect into a simple pneumatic transmitter system, and use a micro power switch remote control on-off of the air-operated solenoid valve in pneumatic transmitter system, and the air in transmission agent will be flowed by pressure changed. A thrust of flow generated urge the syringe piston move along. Results This syringe was used in 156 hystero-salpingography and 9 postoperation cholangiography , the inject success rate was 90.4%, 4 patients were injected defeat by cicatrice stenosis of cervical canal, 5 patients were injected defeat by synechiae of uterine cavity, 6 patients were injected defeat by air leak of SL solenoid. There was none patient happen backflow. Conclusion This syringe can avoid effectively clinician suffer irradiate of X-ray scattering line, prevent cavity burst and backflow by injection pressure oversize, and this syringe is simple in design, cheap in cost and high in reliability, It’s very suitable rebuild and apply for X-ray Department of grassroots hospital or mediumsmall scale hospital. Key words: X-ray angiography, remote control, syringe 摘要 目的:设计一个能在普通放射科使用的简易遥控注射装置,以避免医生在进行X线造影操作时被动接受X线散射线照射。方法:将注射器的活塞柄连接入一个简单的空气传动系统中,用微型遥控开关电路控制空气传动系统中气动电磁阀的启闭,传动系统内的空气因压力的改变发生流动,流动产生的推力促使注射器活塞向前推进。结果:该装置应用于156例子宫输卵管碘水造影和9例术后“T”型管造影,其注射成功率为90.4%,4例因子宫颈管斑痕狭窄、5例因宫腔内粘连压力较大、6例因电磁阀接头密封不良而漏气导致注射失败,无一例发生逆流。结论:该装置能有效避免临床医生受到X线散射线照射,并防止由于注射压力过大导致腔道破裂和逆流,本装置具有设计简单、成本低廉、可靠性高的特点。


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