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6种植物源化学挥发物对长白山地区昆虫类群的 行为学功能研究 作者: 周东浩 尹思琪 李首智 高扬 王宁 张鑫鑫 赵东月 组别:动物六组 指导老师:王寅亮 摘要 植物源挥发物由植物地上部分表面散发的多种微浓度的挥发性次生物质所组成,包括醇、 醛、酮、酯和萜类化合物在内的复杂混合物。这类物质对昆虫的取食、寄生、交配、产卵等 行为起着重要作用,同时在植物与昆虫的协同进化过程中对昆虫行为产生了十分重要的影响。 长白山植物物种丰富,这些植物可产生大量的挥发物,对长白山地区的昆虫行为学有很大的 影响。吉林省露水河镇种子园昆虫种类繁多,如蚜虫、眼蝶、叶蝉等,然而其植物源挥发物 对昆虫行为的影响尚未见明确报道。因此我们选取6种植物源挥发物:丁酸乙酯、α-蛇麻 烯、1-庚醇、牻牛儿醇、乙酸乙酯、α-蒎烯,探究其对昆虫的诱集作用,并对诱集到的昆 虫进行数量和种类的统计,以此探讨这些植物源挥发物对昆虫行为的影响与作用,从而实现 对害虫的及时、有效测报及其综合治理。 关键词:植物源挥发物 昆虫行为 诱集作用 Abstract Plant volatiles are composedby variousmicro concentration ofvolatile secondary substances from overground part of plant surface, including alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters and ketones. These things not only play an important part in predation, parasitism, mating, oviposition and other insect behavior, but also have a crucial influence on insect behavior in the co-evolutionary process of plants and insects. There are various plants on Changbai Mountain with plenty of volatiles, which have a great influence on insect behavior in the area. Although there are many insect species in Lushuihe town seed orchard of Jilin Province, such as graylings, aphids, leafhoppers, no clear report is seen on the influence of plant volatiles to insects. So we chose 6 plant volatiles: ethyl butyrate, α-humulene, 1- heptanol, geraniol, ethyl acetate and α-pinene to explore trapping effect of insects.Then we counted the number and kind to discuss the effect and function of plant volatiles to insects. It aims to achieve timely, effective measurement and comprehensivemanagement ofpests. keywords: plantvolatiles insectbehavior trapping effect 引言 植物源挥发物通常指一类相对质量小于250ug,沸点低于340℃,从植物地上部分(如叶、 花和芽等)表面散发的多种微浓度的挥发性次生物质所组成的,包括醇、醛、酮、酯和萜类 [1] 化合物在内的复杂混合物 。这类化合物不仅在植食性昆虫的寄


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