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Mount Lingyun Sichuan’s most graceful mountain is in Lingyun. Its water and trees are far away from vulgarity. The phoenixes are whistling in the misty air. The fairy music cannot be heard on earth. Zhang Sanfeng, the ancestor of Taiji in the Ming Dynasty, praised Mount Lingyun properly by the poem when he roamed around the mountains. Mount Lingyun has the unique scenry of the geographyic features and integrated religions of Confuciunism, Buhhdism, and Taoism. So it enjoys the praise of “The firyland on the earth and the treasure land of Fengshui”. 凌云山 蜀山灵秀属凌云, 水木清华远俗氛; 九顶烟中鸾凤啸, 仙音不与世间闻。 明代太极宗师张三丰,在凌云山留下了这恰如其分的赞叹。独揽“蜀山灵秀”的凌云山,拥有举世罕见的风水地貌奇观,聚集儒、释、道宗教文化之大成,素有“人间仙境,风水宝地”之誉。 仙境宝地凌云山 Mount Lingyun—the firyland and the treasure land Mount Lingyun is 562 meters above sea level, in the suburb of Gaoping Prefecture, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province. It is the extension of the branch of Mount Huaying, the Daba Mountain range. It is located at 106°E and 30°N, a mysterious latitude zone in which have presented the world with numerious civalizations and mysteries. Mount Lingyun, with no exception, also demonstrates her miracles. 凌云山,海拔562米,位于四川省南充市高坪区境内。凌云山属大巴山脉、华莹山余脉,地处东经106°,北纬30°附近。在这条孕育了无数世界文明和蕴藏着众多不解之谜的纬度带上,凌云山也向我们展现了她无所不在的神奇。 In Fengshui studies, the Cerulean Dragon, the White Tiger, the Vermilion Bird, and the Dark Tortoise represent the four stars in the east, in the west, in the south, and in the north respectively in the sky. The fengshui treasure land is formed when all the four stars come to their right locations respectively on the earth. The soul of fengshui is qi. In China, it is a wonder that Qi of the Movement of the Five Elements is represented by the five great mountains respectively. But Mount Lingyun is a miracle because it gathers Qi of the east green dragon, west white tiger, south red bird, north sacred tortoise and the central Wuji echoing field in the four stars’ center! Therefore, it is claimed that “ Qi of five mountains comes together to Lingyu


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