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创建插入符、输出不同效果的文字 创建一个MFC单文档应用程序 创建插入符 在窗口创建完成之后,再创建插入符,在View类当中去完成,增加一个Windows Message Handle…..,WM_CREATE消息处理函数。 1.创建一个文字插入符 CClientDC dc(this);//构造一个DC /* The CClientDC class is derived from CDC and takes care of calling the Windows functionsGetDC at construction time andReleaseDC at destruction time. This means that the device context associated with a CClientDC object is the client area of a window. */ TEXTMETRIC tm; /* The TEXTMETRIC structure contains basic information about a physical font. All sizes are given in logical units; that is, they depend on the current mapping mode of the display context. typedef struct tagTEXTMETRIC { // tm LONG tmHeight; LONG tmAscent; LONG tmDescent; LONG tmInternalLeading; LONG tmExternalLeading; LONG tmAveCharWidth; LONG tmMaxCharWidth; LONG tmWeight; LONG tmOverhang; LONG tmDigitizedAspectX; LONG tmDigitizedAspectY; BCHAR tmFirstChar; BCHAR tmLastChar; BCHAR tmDefaultChar; BCHAR tmBreakChar; BYTE tmItalic; BYTE tmUnderlined; BYTE tmStruckOut; BYTE tmPitchAndFamily; BYTE tmCharSet; } TEXTMETRIC; */ dc.GetTextMetrics(tm); /* The GetTextMetrics function fills the specified buffer with the metrics for the currently selected font. BOOL GetTextMetrics( HDC hdc, // handle to device context LPTEXTMETRIC lptm // pointer to text metrics structure ); */ CreateSolidCaret(tm.tmAveCharWidth/8,tm.tmHeight);//创建文字插入符 /* void CreateSolidCaret( int nWidth, int nHeight ); Parameters nWidth Specifies the width of the caret (in logical units). If this parameter is 0, the width is set to the system-defined window-border width. nHeight Specifies the height of the caret (in logical units). If this parameter is 0, the height is set to the system-defined window-border height. Creates a solid rectangle for the system caret and claims ownership of the caret. The caret shape can be a line or block. */ ShowCaret(); /* The ShowCaret function


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