新世界大学英语第三册 Unit 1 The Other Side of Fame.ppt

新世界大学英语第三册 Unit 1 The Other Side of Fame.ppt

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新世界大学英语第三册 Unit 1 The Other Side of Fame

Article lock up 1) lock sb. up 把某人关进监狱 Please lock him up next time he’s caught. 下次逮到他后,请把他关押起来。 2) 锁;锁定 Zoo keepers had driven the tiger to the neighboring cage to be tightly locked up. 动物园饲养员已经把老虎赶到隔壁笼子里锁起来了。 They helped us lock up the advertisement slots we expect. 他们帮助我们锁定我们所期待的广告插播时间。 cast n. 演员 The cast of the film were even invited to join the New Year Evening Gala held by China Central Television’s movie channel. 该片演员甚至获邀参加中国中央电视台电影频道举办的新春晚会。 Next vt. 1) 分配角色,选派角色 The director has cast the disabled man as an ambitious lawyer in his latest film. 导演已经选定那名残疾人在他最新的影片中出演一位雄心勃勃的律师。 2) 向……投以(视线、笑容等) Global media cast eyes on China. 全球的媒体都把注意力聚焦在中国。 3) 投票 Many Iraqi police, hospital staff and prisoners cast their votes in the voting. 很多伊拉克警察、医护人员以及囚犯参加了投票。 Article Article mate n. 朋友,伙伴 Insects must find a mate of the same species and opposite sex in order to reproduce. 为了繁殖,昆虫必须找到同类异性的伴侣。 Note: mate常构成复合词,如: workmate工友 roommate 室友 Article initial a. 最初的,开始的 You can narrow your initial search by clicking on this button. 点击该按钮,能够缩小你的初始查询范围。 n. 名字的首字母 Does your initial stand for Washington? 你名字的首字母W指的是华盛顿吗? Article rating n. (通常用复数the ratings)收视率;收听率 The ratings in that broadcasting station will go up. 那家电台的收听率会上升的。 Article monster a. 巨大的,庞大的 The area was hit by a monster quake in 1872, which killed 2,600 people. 该地区在1872年遭到大地震袭击,2600人被夺去生命。 n. 怪物,怪兽 How long will the iron-hearted monster keep the princess locked up? 这铁石心肠的怪物要将公主关押到何时? Article hit n. 风行一时的事物 The song became a big hit with the help of the war feelings. 受战争情绪的影响,这首歌风靡一时。 Article bask vi. 1) [~ in] 沉浸在(赞美、关注等)中 For coach Grant, there has been little time to bask in the glory of the achievement. 对教练格兰特来说,他没有多少时间可以沉浸在成就所带来的辉煌中。 2) [~ in] (舒适地)晒太阳(取暖) In most of the day, the city basked in sunshine. 这个城市在白天的大部分时间里都沐浴在阳光下。 Article glamour n. 吸引力,魅力 The improved infrastruc


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