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Listening Comprehension 4 The building rests on a platform of red sandstone. Four thin white towers, or minarets, rise from the corners of the terrace. A large dome rises from the centre of the building. Around this large dome there are four smaller domes. The building is made of fine white marble with inlays of coloured marble. It has eight sides and many open arches. There is an open corridor just inside the outer walls. From this corridor the visitor looks through carved marble screens to a central room. The bodies of Shah Jehan and his wife lie in a tomb below this room. Listening Comprehension 5 Taj Mahal. The green trees make the marble look even whiter. In front of the main entrance to the building there is a long, narrow pool. If you look in this pool, you can see all the beauty of the Taj Mahal in the reflection from the water. Some people think the Taj Mahal is most beautiful at sunset. Then the marble picks up the colour of the sunset, and the building and its reflection in the pool gleam like pink jewels. Others like it best at noon when the bright sun makes it a pure, cold white. Listening Comprehension 6 Still others think it should be seen by moonlight. On nights when the moon is full, hundreds of people visit the Taj Mahal to see its soft silver radiance. Many wrap themselves in blankets and spend the night beside the pool. When morning comes and the Taj Mahal turns from silver to gold in the early sunrise, they go away — to return, perhaps, when the moon is full again. Dictation Dictation Script 缺少声音 Describing Pictures Describe the picture below in English, using as many words from the texts as possible: Starbucks Coffee in the Forbidden Palace (故宫) Dictation script 1 Dictation There is a new wave of “patriotism” from Chinese businessmen and government-backed cultural representatives keen on getting back national treasures. This “patriotism” has pushed the price of these treasures to record levels. Emperor Qianlong’s vase that sold in Britai


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