新编英语语法教程Subjunctive Mood.ppt

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新编英语语法教程Subjunctive Mood

Subjunctive Mood I. Mood The mood of a verb is the manner in which the action or condition is conceived or intended. 1. Indicative Mood 2. Imperative Mood 3. Subjunctive Mood 1. Indicative Mood a verb stating an apparent fact or asking a question. This is the way verbs are normally used in English. eg. Lewis has finished all the compulsory courses. I do not realize that offends him.? Are you from the South? (Interrogative Mood) 2. Imperative Mood a verb stating a command, suggestion or request, etc. eg. Take a seat! Let us go there on foot. 3. Subjunctive Mood a verb expressing a doubt, desire, supposition, or condition contrary to fact. Read the story on the next page and find out the sentences in Subjunctive Mood. Once a beautiful and dissolute British actress wrote to Bernard Shaw, the great English playwright, telling him that she had fallen in love with him and insisted that she marry no one else but Shaw. “I don’t mind your old age and ugliness,” she added. “God bless me!” replied the famous writer. “But how so?” “If we could combine,” explained the actress, “our child would have my appearance and your brains and that would be perfect.” Bernard Shaw answered, in a letter, that her imagination was splendid. “But, what if the child take my appearance and your brains?” II. Forms of Subjuctive Mood 1. “be subjunctive” (“present form SM”) -- original form of v. 2. past form SM a. “were subjunctive” b. past form of v. (“-ed subjunctive”) 3. past perfect form SM -- “had + -ed participle” 4. “should/would… + do” 5. “would / should… + have done” III. “be subjunctive” 1. Wishes, curses, prohibitions, etc. God Bless you! God save the Queen! (May God save……) Long live peace! Curse this fog! May you be happy! Heaven forbid (但愿不会如此;苍天不容)that I should let my own parents suffer. 2. In “that” clauses following words: suggest/suggestion, insist/insiste


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