新编英语语言教程Unit One语言点.doc

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新编英语语言教程Unit One语言点

Unit 1 Text I I. Writing Skills Narration (primary purpose):experience of an interview Sequence: time. (It is written in the order which the events occurred) Application ----Fear ----Interview Description (not lengthy, does not carry much weight) The description contributes to the main purpose of narration, convincing the reader of the unpleasantness of his first job interview. It helps to make the narrative more vivid. ①Journey: awkward/ a long way from home/ inconvenient transportation / hot ②Surroundings: Outside the school building: dreary house/ dust/ fumes from a busy main road Inside the school building: smell of the cabbage / dingy/ ink marks/ crumbs on the carpet ③Impression of the headmaster: unpleasant appearance II. Language Points advertise advertise (v.) vt. e.g. Do salesmen ~ their goods? Where do people ~ their products? They ~ their products in newspapers or on TV. vi. ~ for e.g. The family will ~ for a servant. People usually ~ for their lost properties in a newspaper or on a billboard ② advertiser (n.) ③ advertisement (n.) = ad e.g. The store has an ~ in the newspaper for a special sale. Have you ever received ~s in your mailbox? cf. commercial (n.) ---an advertisement on television or radio (电视、广播之) 广告 2. in a suburb: a part of the suburbs in the suburbs: all or one of the outlying district of a city e.g. Is our university in the city or in the suburbs? Is Shipai a suburb of Guangzhou? He planned to build a house in the suburb of Shanghai. cf. outskirts (n.) (通常指郊外适合于散步的地方) ---(esp. of a town) the outer areas (常用于 in the outskirts 片语) 尤指城镇郊区;郊外 ---the outer limits (常用于on the outskirts 片语中) 边界 e.g. We live in the suburbs. The children have been out for the day to some green spot on the outskirts. 3. be short of: have not enough; lack ;be in need of be short on: be poorer at, be not so good at 在…稍差,在…较欠缺 e.g. The book has good information, but rather short on illustra


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