modal calculation under prestressed structures 预应力下的结构模态 .pdf

modal calculation under prestressed structures 预应力下的结构模态 .pdf

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modal calculation under prestressed structures 预应力下的结构模态

International Journal of Mechanics Research 力学研究, 2015, 4(3), 61-70 Published Online September 2015 in Hans. /journal/ijm /10.12677/ijm.2015.43008 Modal Calculation under Prestressed Structures Chuye Li, Haitao Wang, Zhongkai Li Aeronautical Key Laboratory for Numerical Manufacturing Technology, Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute, Beijing Email: lichuye@ th th th Received: Oct. 9 , 2015; accepted: Oct. 26 , 2015; published: Oct. 29 , 2015 Copyright © 2015 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract Using D’Alembert’s principle to establish the dynamic equations to study the mode calculating method of class structure under prestressed, evidenced by adjusting the prestressing, can effec- tively improve the dynamic performance of the structure. Deformations and modal comparatively positive and negative prestressed truss structure by the finite element method is proposed as a beam structure of prestressed truss speed CNC machine tools. The bending rigidity of the internal beam can be improved significantly by prestressing the beam. Through the truss key component stress control, it can make the truss internal stress to be adjustable. According to changes of processing parameters, the size and the direction of the internal stress of certain truss rods are optimized and adjusted so that the device has the certain ability to change the dynamic perfor- mance to achieve the purposes of reducing vibration and improving machining accuracy. Keywords Prestressed, Modal, Trusses, M


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