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Last night, I had a nightmare. I dreamed that I was in a quiet street and I had no idea about where it was and I even didnt know where I was going. Then, all of a sudden, the ground where I was standing broke and I fell off into the darkness. Then, with a horrible cry, I woke up from the miserable disaster. I soon realized that it was a dream. So I took a deep breath and smiled. 还原真面目 had dreamed smiled didnt know was broke fell woke realized took 动词过去式的变化规则: 动词过去式,ed来结尾 dream-dreamed 一般直接加,见e只加d smile-smiled 辅y结尾y变i,再加ed study-studied 重读辅元辅,双写尾字母,再加ed stop-stopped 一般过去时标志词 大显身手 1. There (be) no one here a moment ago. 2. Helen and Nancy (be) good friends, but now, they are not. 3. I listened but (hear) nothing. 请你来诊断: How is Jane yesterday? He go to school by bus last week. I can fly kites seven years ago. Did you saw him just now? Tom wasnt watch TV last night. I did not my homework yeaterday. 七年级课程安排 英语试听课 苏小洁老师 手机邮箱:topseedjessie@126.com dream dont know am/is break fall wake realize take have smile yesterday ...ago last... just now the day before yesterday this morning in 2008 was were heard is→was go→went can→could saw→see wasnt→didnt do 课次 内容 1 一般现在时(肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句);第三人称作主语的特殊疑问句 2 情态动词should,could,may的用法 3 复习M1单词,短语,语法,综合练习 4 医生用语you should/shouldnt/d better 5 Its time for…./Its time to…. 6 复习M2单词,短语,语法,综合练习 7 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 8 情态动词would,must和need否定式的用法及一些交际用语;代词的用法 9 比较级和最高级的句型 10 谈论身高体重的句型,“the”在形容词和副词最高级前的用法 11 复习M3,M4单词,短语,语法,综合练习 12 谈论食物和用餐的用语;部分双音节和多音节的形容词比较级和最高级的句型 13 shall的用法 14 谈论天气的句型,结合天气复习形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 15 总复习,综合测验


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