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* Unit 1 Task Writing a review of a book or story Listen to this paragraph and summarize in your own words. Pay attention to the key words. Skill building 1: listening for key words Just as a proverb says, “life is filled with twists and turns.” One can’t gain any success if he or she never experiences difficulty or failure. In other words, trouble exists from beginning to end during our lifetime. Students may fail in their exams, scientists may fail in their experiments, and players may be defeated in their matches. 1. While listening to a lecture or a news report, do you always have to pay attention to every word the speaker uses? 2. What do you think are the most important words to pay attention to? Why do you think so? 1. What are the key words? 2. What are the key words used for? Key words are the most important words in a sentence or paragraph. To talk about something important, for example, teachers often use key words to give useful hints about homework or tests. Read the guideline and answer. 3. Do you know how to listen for key words? Key words are often stressed. (2) There is often a pause before a key word. (3) Key words are often repeated. (4) Key words are often given in a summary. Step 1: recognizing key words Part A In your English class, your teacher is telling you how to write a review of a book or story. The teacher divides the review into four paragraphs. You have to write down the key words for each paragraph. Para. 4 Para. 3 Para. 2 Para. 1 author, title, category, setting plot, characters, character development themes, symbols personal opinion Listen to the recording and write down the key words. Read the story on page 11 and complete the table below. Part B Author Theme Title The Home-Made Ball friendship Jerry Johnson Characters Your opinion Category Symbols short story okay Kevin, Mike, Steven the old home-made soccer ball and the new soccer ball, the old bench and the new sneakers Plot Kevin


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