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Aliens took … aboard so that … Luckily, … without injuries. I think Justin was … Mrs Marvis Wood Kelly heard sb. return … put on … pull back … see … spaceship inside … creatures … hear … shout … disappear … tried to wake up… … sent to bed Sam Peterson … haven’t dismissed … … looking into … … sometimes make up … … not give up … The world we live in is full of mysteries. Every one of us should have inspiration (激情) to explore it. The world we live in is also full of beauty. We should close our eyes to feel the beauty . I’m sure every one of you have a dream---a dream to explore the mysterious world. Should we study hard to equip ourselves with all kinds of skills and knowledge to explore the world and feel its beauty? My best wishes to all of you from the bottom of my heart: Homework: Finish the “After class” on the paper Multiple Choice The reason why people were interested in the disappearance of the child is that ____ A. the lost boy was 15 years old. B. the police advised them to do so. C. people were worried about the boy. D. it might be related to the UFO and the alien. 2. We can infer that the boy might go missing ______. in his own room on the playground in Kelly’s room in his brother’s room 3. From this passage, we can know_______ the police will catch the aliens who took away the boy the police have known the cause of the boy’s disappearance the police won’t get any information about the child’s disappearance the police haven’t found convincing evidence about the boy’s disappearance. 4. The author’s attitude toward the whole story is ________ positive objective enthusiastic negative What’s the right order of the sentences? Justin did not show up at the family lunch the next day. Kelly heard Justin return home. Justin left home to play baseball with his two friends. Justin was seen walking towards his home at 10.45 p.m. Kelly heard Justin shout. Kelly saw a bright light outside her win


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