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课程的主要内容 教学计划与方法 教学计划 以量化分析为主,第四章项目定义、第五章估算项目时间和成本、第六章制定项目计划、第八章资源进度计划、第九章缩短项目时间、第十三章进度和绩效的衡量和评价为主要讲授和重点掌握内容。其他章节都有涉及,为简单讲解和了解内容。 教学方法 以授课为主,案例分析与上机实验相结合。而讲课中主要培养学生用所学方法解决实际问题的能力。 考试分值的分配 考试内容 Chapter One: Modern Project Management Managing projects is one the oldest and most respected accomplishments of mankind. We stand in awe of the achievements of the builders of pyramids, the architects of ancient cities, the masons and craftsmen of great cathedrals and mosques; of the might and labour behind the Great Wall of China, and other wonders of the world.(3-1-1) ----Peter W. G. Morris, The Management of Projects “对项目的管理是人类最古老、最值得尊重的成就之一。我们敬畏地面对着古老奇迹创造者们的伟大成就:金字塔的建造者、古老城市的建筑师、大教堂和清真寺的泥瓦匠与工匠,还有中国长城和世界其他奇迹背后的工匠” ——彼得.莫里斯,《项目的管理》 1.1: basic conception definition:A project is a complex, nonroutine, one-time effort limited by time, budget, resources, and performance specifications designed to meet customer needs.项目是一种复杂的、非常规的和一次性的努力,受到时间、预算、资源以及设计用来满足客户需要的性能规格的限制。(5-1-1) The major goal of a project is to satisfy a customer’s need. (5-2-1) The major characteristics of a project are as follows: (5-2-3) An established objective. A defined life span with a beginning and an end. Usually, the involvement of several departments and professionals. Typically, doing something that has never been done before. Specific time, cost, and performance requirements. 项目管理的普遍性 More and more of the work in America is project oriented with a beginning, a middle, and an end.(3-4-1) The project approach has long been the style of doing business in the construction industry, U.S. Department of Defense contracts, and Hollywood as well as at big consulting firms. Now project management is spreading to all avenues of work. Today, project teams carry out everything from port expansions to hospital restructuring to upgrading information systems. (3-5-1) Project management is not limited to the private sector. Project management is also a vehicle for doing good deeds and solving social probl


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