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第36卷 第6期 电子 科 技 大 学 学 报 Vo1-36 NO.6 2007年l2月 Journal ofUniversity ofElectronic Science and Technology ofChina Dec.2007 在人脸图像中确定嘴巴位置的方法 陈宇波 ,许海柱2,黄婷婷2,朱建军。 (1.中南大学信息物理工程学院 长沙 4 1 0083;2.中南大学信息科学与工程学院 长沙 4 1 0083) 【摘要】利用迭代式阈值选择算法在人脸的下半区域进行阈值化处理,无需人工干预就可得到嘴巴鼻子等区域,且很好 地改进了传统的二值化方法所造成的嘴部轮廓不清晰、连通性不好等缺陷;用腐蚀膨胀算法去掉较小的噪声点,用最小外接 矩形近似表示各个连通区域的形状,根据嘴巴形状大小的先验知识确定嘴巴所在的连通区域;用嘴巴连通区域的质心表示嘴 巴中心,利用Harrisgl点检测算法在原灰度图像的嘴巴区域中找到两个嘴角。实验结果表明,本文算法具有较快的速度和较高 的精度。 关 键 词 计算机视觉;角点检测;迭代式阈值:嘴巴检测 中图分类号 TP242.6+2 文献标识码 A Determine Mouth Position in Face Image CHEN Yu bo ,XU Hai.zhu ,HUANG Ting ting ,ZHU Jian-jun (1,School ofInfo-Physics and Geomatics Engineering Central South University Changsha 410083 2.School ofInformation Science and Engineering,Central South University Changsha 410083) Abstract The iterative threshold choosin£algorithm iS used to changes the gray image into binary image in the lOW half of a known face image.the area of mouth and nose Can be obtained without manual work.This algorithm improves the traditional method limitation,such as vague mouth contour and poor connection quality. The erosion and dilation arithmetic iS used to delete the minor noise area:the minimum enclosing rectangle iS used to describe the shape of every area:and the mouth area is determined according to the prior knowledge of the mouth shape and size.The mouth center iS represented by the cenffoid of the mouth connection area.Harris comer detection arithmetic iS used to detect the two comers of the mouth in the moilth area of the original gray image. Experiment shows that the algorithm presented in this paper iS quicker and more accurate than traditional methods. Key words computer vision; comer detection; iterative threshold; mouth detection 人脸面部特征提取是人脸识别、表


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