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Waterways(水路) Water surrounds New York City, and the story of our harbor in many ways reflects the history of our city. The Hudson, East, Harlem, and Bronx Rivers, Jamaica Bay, and the Upper and Lower New York Bays have physically defined the city and supported trade, industry, diverse ecological communities, and recreation. Our water- ways, as much as any other element of the city, distinguish our people and neighborhoods. When Henry Hudson arrived over 400 years ago in what is now New York City, he encountered a land filled with forests, wetlands, and an abundance of nature. During storms, this undeveloped land naturally filtered rainwater into pristine waterways teeming with aquatic life. 【纽约是一个被水环绕的城市,海港上发生的很多故事都能反映出纽约的历史。哈德逊河、东哈莱姆河和朗克斯河,牙买加湾、上下纽约港湾构成了纽约城的轮廓线,为纽约的贸易、工业生产提供了方便, 也使纽约形成了多种多样的生态社区。 城市中的水路就像是城市中的道路一样,是划分出城市居民与邻里的重要手段。在400多年前,当亨利来到了现在的纽约所处的位置上时,他所见到的是一片郁郁葱葱的森林和水草丰茂的湿地,肥妹富饶而又充满着生机与活力。在暴风雨中,这片未开发的土地自然过滤雨水进入到充满水生生物的原始水道中。】 New York City’s transformation into a global center of industry and commerce dramatically and irrevocably altered this natural environment. People drained coastal marshes, ponds, and streams to make room for development. After a series of cholera outbreaks in the 1840s, city leaders invested in sewers to remove sanitary sewage and discharge it directly into waterways. Their vision proved to be a wise expenditure, and by the late 1860s, the threat of cholera from wastewater in the streets subsided. Nonetheless, the quality of our water- ways became progressively worse. Eventually, wastewater treatment plants were built near bathing beaches, but construction didn’t keep up with need in every waterway. 【纽约在成为全球工业和商业中心的转型过程中,显著的改变了自然环境体系,对环境造成了不可挽回的破坏。为了给城市的提供更多的发展空间,人们开始大量的开垦湿地、围湖造田。1840年,纽约市爆发了大规模霍乱疫情,在那之后,为了让生活污水可以直接排放到排水沟中,政府开始投资建设下水道。而事实也证明这是一个明智的决策,到1860年代末,霍乱的威胁开始随着街道上的污水的消失而消失了。尽管如此,城市内的水资源的质量正变得越来越差。政府最后也不得不在沙滩浴场附近建立污水处理厂来治理污水,但是治理的速度却远远都赶不上污染的速度。】 Industrialization also degraded our waterways. Wetlands were filled, and man


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