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综合英语第三册词汇整理 1. adequate a. just enough足够的,充分的(+ for) 可以胜任的(~ to do sth) ad. adequately n. adequacy 2. adroit a. quick and skillful机敏的、灵巧的(~ at擅长) 3. a large circulation : a large number of copies read十分畅销 4. apace ad. quickly飞快地,急速地 5. apart from :besides除了 6. appal(l) v. feel with (shock)fear使惊骇,使充满恐惧 a. appalled对…..深表震惊的,对….惊恐万分的(+by/at) a. appalling骇人听闻的,令人震惊的,可怕的/极坏的,糟透ad.(ly) 7. apparently ad. clearly, obviously显然 据我所知,似乎 a. apparent显而易见的,明白易懂的(+to) it became ~ that 很快就看出来 for no ~ reasons 没明确理由的 8. approach v. come near or near to走进,靠近,接近 对付处理/接洽交涉 n.方法,步骤(+to)/接近,靠近/入口/要求请求/the ~ of ……的来临 a. approachable 友善的,易接近的(反un~) 9. asphyxiated a. feeling ill because there is no little air, choked 窒息的,闷死的 v. asphyxiate 使窒息(而死)闷、(死) n. asphyxiation 10. assure v. make somebody believe, feel sure向…..保证,使确信,让…..放心(~ sb that/of sth) be assured of 有信心,有把握 a. assured 有把握的、确信的/自信的 ad. assuredly肯定地,确信地 n. assurance 自信把握/担保保证/保险 11. awe n. a mixed feeling of respect, fear and wonder敬畏,惊惧(in~/with~ fill sb with ~) be/stand in awe of sb对某人非常敬畏 v. 使敬畏,使畏惧 a. awesome 令人敬畏的 12. awkward a. inconvenient and uncomfortable不方便的,不舒服的,别扭的 尴尬的,为难的/不好操作的/难相处的,不协作的(+about) ad. awkwardly n. awkwardness 13. beckon to : call somebody’s attention by a movement of hand用手示意,召唤 14. become engrossed in : have one’s attention completely taken up by沉浸于,专注于 15. bloodcurdling n. arousing fight or horror令人心惊胆战的,毛骨悚然的 16. bloodshot a. full of blood; red because the small blood vessels are swollen or broken充血的,有血丝的(眼睛) 17. boo v. express disapproval or strong disagreement by saying boo发嘘声,喝倒彩 n. 嘘声 18. browse v. read here and there in books especially for enjoyment浏览,随意翻阅(+through) 19. chic a. stylish; fashionable in style时髦的,雅致的,漂亮的 n. 20. clue n. sth that h


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