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Which should receive priority in China? Environmental protection or economic growth. 1.双方陈词: 正方陈词:Good morning everyone! We are here now debating about whether environment protection or economy growth should take priority in China, we think it’s growth should be chosen. I have three reasons to prove this point. First, as a developing country, the economy power is far behind the developed counties, China have one fifth of the people in the world, but the income of per head is only in 109th among countries. so the urgent affairs of china is developing our economy. Second, economy growth does not necessarily conflict with environment protection. we can develop our economy without environment pollution .Third, when our economy strength become strong ,we can spend more money and energy on environment protection,till then it will be a win-win. In a word, considering the current situations, economy growth should take priority in China. 反方陈词:We agree economic growth is needed.But think about the past decades,we followed the old model of “first pollution,last treatment”, however, how did it come out? The environment problems have become increasingly prominent(显著的), and some local regions’ environment have been polluted to a dangerous extent that poses a great threat to our existence.What’s more , the cost was too high and the effect was not up to much by this means, it placed us in a completely passive position. At the same time the people started voicing new values: quality of life, urban conservation and the environment.So,we must get to the bottom of the problem and learn from the past ,that is to say, in the course of development, we should consider the effect of pollution and receive environment protection in first priority. Only in this way can we solve the environmental problems in the future reasonably. That’s all I want to say. 2.二辩盘问 Two debate questioned 反方二辩:请问对方辩,经济是一时之事,环境是万代之事,哪个重要?经济 发展慢了,人们还可以吃到饭,环境没了,还能生存吗? My fellow debaters ,please allow me to ask. The e


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