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3日CBS(哥伦比亚广播公司,美国三大电视网之一)“60 Minutes栏目在中国房地产特辑中,称中国楼市可能是历史上最大的地产泡沫。作为世界最大的地产商,万科董事长王石接受英文采访时表示:中国房价太高,楼市有泡沫,对经济有危险,如果破裂,那就是灾难。并称我相信最高领导人拥有足够智慧来处理这事。   以下为双语实录   解说   If trouble comes in threes, then whatll bethe next global market to melt down after the U.S. and Europe? Some are lookingnervously at China。   虽说事不过三,但是步美国和欧洲的后尘,谁最可能是第三个陷入困境的主要经济体呢?   很多人都紧张地把目光投向了中国。   解说   China has been nothing short of a financialmiracle. In just 30 years, this state-controlled economy became the worldssecond largest, deftly managed by government policies and decrees。   中国从来都不缺乏经济奇迹,短短三十年时间,在政府灵活的政策和命令控制下,成长为世界第二大经济体。   解说   One sector the authorities concentrated onwas real estate and construction. But that may have created the largest housingbubble in human history. If you go to China, its easy to see why theresall the talk of a bubble. We discovered that the most populated nation on earthis building houses, districts and cities with no one in them。   监管的主要对象包括了房地产建筑业,但是这同时也可能制造了人类历史上最大的地产泡沫。如果你去中国,很容易听到关于泡沫的论调,我们发现世界上人口最多的国家,正在建设空无一人的房屋和城市。   同期   Lesley Stahl: So this is Zhengzhou. And weare on the major highway, or the major road. And its rush hour。   这里是郑州,我们站在一条主干道上,现在应该是交通高峰时段。   Gillem Tulloch: Yeah –   是的。   Lesley Stahl: And its almost empty。   这基本都是空的。   解说   Gillem Tulloch is a Hong Kong basedfinancial analyst who was one of the first to draw attention to the housingbubble in China. Hes showing us around the new eastern district of Zhengzhou,in one of the most populated provinces in China - not that youd know it. Wefound what they call a ghost city of new towers with no residents,desolate condos and vacant subdivisions uninhabited for miles, and miles, andmiles, and miles of empty apartments。   Gillem Tulloch是一名香港的金融分析师,并且是最早注意到中国地产泡沫的人之一。   他带领我们参观的郑东新区,位于中国人口最多的省份之一,和想象的不一样,我们看到了所谓的“鬼城”,新修的高楼却空无一人,荒芜的公寓和空荡荡的郊区,绵延一片,又一片,又一大片的空房子。   同期   Lesley Stahl: Why are they empty? Iveheard that they have actually been sold。   为什么这些都空着,听说这些都已经卖出了。   Gillem Tulloch: Theyve all bee



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