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美国文学10 thought and idea

Language and Thought BY Susanne K. Langer Susanne K. Langer (1895—) Born in New York, interested in philosophy all her life. Works: Philosophy in New Key: A Study of the Symbolism of Reason, Rite, and Art (1942) Feeling and Form (1953), Mind:An Essay in Human Feeling (1967) Glossary: terms to define Sign / symbol Sign-using and symbol using Concrete/ abstract Ideas/conception/thought Conceive/ expression/ construe Questions for discussion ⑴ Why is the distinction between sign and symbol so important? ⑵ What is main difference between the way animals “think”and the way humans think? How has that changed human mental function at an organic level? ⑶ What examples of signs and symbols does Langer provide? How effective do you find her examples? ⑷ What is Langer’s thesis in this essay?Where does she state it? Find the development of the arguing. Writing from Research (Introduction) Writing from research The Research paper is an important part of a college education and for good reason. In writing such a paper, you need to acquire a number of indispensable research skills that you can adapt to other college assignments and to situations after graduation. The purpose of a research paper is not to present a collection of quotations but to analyze, evaluate, and summarize the materials you research —- and thereby learn how to do so with any topic Step I Decide the context of the research project a. Purpose —the cue words in the assignment b. Audience —- the readers c. Scope —- the sources d. Length —- (number of words or pages designed) e. Deadline — the date the paper is due. Step II Prepare a thesis: A research questions , a hypothesis and a working thesis (Sample) TOPIC Heroes in U.S. films ISSUE changes in heroes in U. S. film RESEARCH QUESTIONS How have heroes changed since they found a home in Hollywood ? HYPOTHESIS a real-life heroes have been dethroned in popular U. S. culture over the last century, so h


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