美文欣赏:The story of creation.ppt

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美文欣赏:The story of creation

The Story of Creation ? God created the mule?and told him,“You will be Mule,working constantly from dusk to dawn,carrying heavy loads on your back.You will eat grass,and you lack intelligence.You will live for?40 years.”The mule answered,“To live like this for?40 years is too much.Please,give me no more than?20.”And it was so. 上帝造物的故事 ? 上帝创造了骡子,对他说:“你将是骡子,从早到晚不停地干活,背上驮着沉沉的东西。你以草为食,没有智力。你将活40年。”骡子回答说:“照这样活40年可受不了。请最多让我活20年吧。”于是就这样定了。 Then God created the dog and told him,“You will hold vigilance?over the dwellings of Man.To him you will be his greatest companion.You will eat his table scraps?and live for 25 years.”The dog responded,“Lord,to live?25 years as a dog is too much.Please,no more than?10 years.”And it was so. 接着,上帝创造了狗,对他说:“你将负责给人看家。你是人类最好的伙伴。你吃他的残羹剩饭,活25年。”狗回答说:“上帝,狗活25年可受不了。请最多让我活10年吧。”于是就这样定了。 God then created the monkey and told him,“You are Monkey.You shall swing from tree to tree,acting like an idiot.You will be funny,and you shall live for?20 years.”The monkey responded,“Lord,to live?20 years as the clown of the world is too much.Please,Lord,give me no more than?10 years.”And it was so. 上帝又创造了猴子,对他说:“你是猴子。你要在树间跳来荡去,像个傻瓜,你滑稽好笑,活20年。”猴子回答说:“上帝,人间小丑活20年可受不了。请上帝最多让我活10年吧。”于是就这样定了。 Finally,God created Man and told him,“You are Man,the only rational being that walks the earth.You will use your intelligence to have mastery over the creatures of the world.You will dominate the earth and live for?20 years.”The man responded,“Lord,to be Man for only?20 years is too little.Please,Lord,give me the 20 years the mule refused,the?15 years the dog refused,and the ten years the monkey rejected.”And it was so.? 最后,上帝创造了人,对他说:“你是人,地球上惟一具有理性的生物。你将用你的聪明才智统治世间万物。你将主宰地球,活20年。”人回答说:“上帝,人只活20年太少了。请上帝把骡子拒绝的20年、狗拒绝的15年和猴子拒绝的10年都赐给我吧。”于是就这样定了。 So God made Man to live 20 years as a man,then marry and live?20 years like a mule,working and carrying heavy loads on his back.Then,Man is to have children and live?15 years as a dog,guarding his house and eating the leftovers after the


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