美国教育介绍 完整英文版.ppt

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美国教育介绍 完整英文版

University Students choose two topics to study Major Minor Bachelor’s[b?t??l?] Degree (4-year) Associates Degree(2 or 3-year) University Most schools offer a liberal arts degree Our degree is commonly called a diploma Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts University Each hour of class per week is called a credit Students need about 125 credits to graduate with a four year degree Every student has their own unique schedule University Students can choose which classes they would like to take It is very easy to change your major or minor and study a different topic Students are given a lot of flexibility in choosing what they will study University University students use the following titles: Grade 1 = Freshmen Grade 2 = Sophomore Grade 3 = Juniors Grade 4 = Seniors The first four years of university is called your undergraduate work University - Cost American universities are very expensive University - Cost American universities are very expensive Prices per year for a 4-year degree range from 10,000 to 40,000 dollars Community colleges are much less expensive University - GPA GPA – Grade Point Average The total average grade of all of your classes and hours at university Highest being 4.0 and lowest being 0.0 A = 4 B = 3 C = 2 D = 1 F = 0 University - Classes College is much more difficult than high school University - Classes College is much more difficult than high school Students are given lots of homework and reading to do outside of class Write papers, read books, give speeches and do group projects University University - Projects Universities attract the top scientists and doctors to be teachers University - Projects Student groups also take part in community projects University - Trips Students travel to study overseas University - Internships Students work at a real company or school to get practical experience Students also earn credits for the time they work at their internship Often the students are paid fo


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