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Origin Burning man festival comes from a broken marriage. A couple divorced,and the husband wanted to bury his love for his wife , so he built a fake person with wood, and then he burned it on the beach in San Francisco. But then the man was driven by the police, he had no choice but to find a dry lake bed in the NEVADAs black rock desert as a base to burn it. Origin After that it developed into a place where the artists, hippies, yuppie come here from all over the world. Each year more than 30,000 people gather here, and these people are all called burner. Development Since 1986, the burning man festival held at the end of August and early September each year in Nevadas black rock desert in the United States. Today,The burning man festival organized by a Black Rock City, LLC to protest against the tradition.It lasts eight days. It is famous for its fantasy and myth, and each year it attracts a large number of young people who express themselves in the form of radicalism.They put on outlandish costume toshow themselves in radical ways. Climax The climax of theburning man festival is that the people gather in a big circle on the ground,and then they will burn a 12-meter-high wooden statue of a man in the middle of the circle. Ending When the wooden man ultimately fall on the ground with the huge flames,all the spectators cheered for it. Form People use a variety of radical crazy art, music and even bodily form to express themselves. Participants are always wearing various clothes. There are marvellous inventions everywhere. Blue is a dominant colour . Characteristics ⒈ The trail to survive. ⒉ Let imagination run wild and be creative. ⒊ Release yourself. ⒋ Vanish a split second. Dancing giant Ending ~ * * Burning Man Festival 火人节 Every year ,the Burner from all over the world come to this barren desert to built a city which lasts only 8 days. This city is only provided the toilets, and only to sell coffee with ice. Participants sho


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