自考lesson 10 11 12.ppt

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自考lesson 10 11 12

6. In construction the initial state of affairs is comparatively haphazard, while the final state of affairs embodies a purpose. In destruction the reverse is the case; the initial state of affairs embodies a purpose, while the final state of affairs is haphazard, that is to say, all that is intended by the destroyer is to produce a state of affairs which does not embody a certain purpose. 7. In Russell s view constuctiveness is the most powerful motive for work. 8. In my opinion, the elements that make work interesting include:the exercise of skill, and the feeling of accomplishment, success and satisfaction. B. 1.只有在高度文明的社会中人才会很好地利用闲暇的时间,而目前很少有人能达到这个水平。 2.因此人们需要工作。首先它可以避免无聊感。因为一个人从事必需但无兴趣的工作带来的无聊感,同整日什么也不做产生的无聊感相比起来,也就不算什么了。 3.但是尽管这种工作很枯燥,如果它能提高一个人的声誉,不管是笼统地说整个世界,还是在自己的小圈子里,它都变成可以忍受的了。 4.那些家庭主妇没有工资,也没有办法改善自己的生活,她们的劳动被丈夫认为是理所当然的,丈夫所重视的不是她做的家务,而是她的其他品质。 5.律师或政治家的工作必须以更令人愉快的方式,包括从玩桥牌中获得的同 样的快乐。 6.我可以想象出一个能干的外科医生,不管他工作的地方条件多么艰苦,他从精湛、准确的手术中得到满足。 E. 1 .work that is quite annoying, too much in number 2. by going after the big animals 3. is judged by salary 4. can be put in grades 7.令人庆幸的是,还有相当一部分工作新的条件要求新技术,这样人们可以 继续提高,至少可以到中年时期。 8.在建筑物的建造过程中,以前制定好的计划得以实施,而在拆除过程中,有人明确规定拆除工作结束后,那些残瓦碎片如何摆放 5. there is no this competing feature 6. in this field, in this aspect 7. It is never completely finished and there is nothing left to do. 8. reaching the stage that further progress appears impossible F. Translation. The first thing Russell thinks is the most ordinary function of work, namely the relief of tedium. He thinks even the dullest work is less painful than idleness to most people. Then he talks about how the work can provide the people with opportunities for their ambitions. Man, as a member of the society, hopes that he can procure more and more social achievements. He points out that most women are so unfortunate that they can not work outside their homes. They are deprived of this chance. It seemstha


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