英语The world of flowers.ppt

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英语The world of flowers

The world of flowers 花的世界 刘钟伟 工业1001班 The earth‘s vegetation, currently has more than 40 thousand known. Among them, the plants have flowers open really more than 20 million, called angiosperms(被子植物). In this I only simple to show you a few growing flowers. 地球上的植物,目前已知的有40多万种。其中,开出真正花朵的植物有20多万种,称为被子植物。在这我只简单的给你们展示几种花。 peony牡丹——花中之王 The King of flowers orchid兰花——王者之花 kings flower 菊花——凌霜绽妍 Bullying frost burst shes China chrysanthemum(菊花) to Europe in Ming qing dynasty, about not start. Signify auspicious(吉祥), the longevity(长寿). 月季花——月月常开 monthly rose——Yueyue normally-on 茶花——花中娇客 camellias ——JiaoKe flowers 杜鹃花——繁花似锦 azaleas ——carpet of flowers 水仙——凌波仙子 daffodil ——a fairy walking over ripples 荷花——水中芙蓉 Lotus——Water lotus 梅花——群花之魁 Plum blossom ——Group of flower chief 桂花——十里飘香 fragrans ——Miles fines We all know that each species(生物) has its own language, let us next to understand the meaning of a few flowers . Clock flowers(时钟花) Love is following you balloon flower(桔梗花) Sincere constant love 真诚不变的爱 Lavender(薰衣草) Waiting for the love Four Leaf Clover(四叶草) One leaf represent pray,two leaves represent hope, three leaves pray for love ,four leaves represent a happiness 一叶代表祈求 二叶代表希望 三叶代表爱情 四叶代表幸福?? rose(蔷薇) Thoughts of love 爱的思念 Epiphyllum 昙花 The moment beautiful, instant eternal (永恒) 百合 山樱花 calamus菖蒲 Believe the happiness of the receiver 相信者的幸福 kapok木棉 Treasure immediate happiness 珍惜眼前的幸福 Dense have spent 密蒙花 Please happiness coming 请幸福到来 wisteria紫藤花 For you clinging, happiest moments 对你执着,最幸福的时刻 pansy蝴蝶花 Believe is happiness 相信就是幸福 feverfew白菊花 Real frank 真实坦诚 Snow lotus雪莲花 Wish the wish reached consolation 祈愿愿望达成后的安慰 BaiSeLing orchid白色铃兰 Happiness is coming 幸福即将到来 Christmas flower圣诞花 Perfect indifference, will suffer 美满冷漠,会受苦 Sinningia speciosa大岩酮 Love at first sight, colorful, noble generous, there is a blessing 一见钟情 ,华美,高贵大方,有福气 The yankees jinfeng洋金凤 wisdom智慧 cornflower矢车菊 Single happiness 单身的幸


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