英语国家概况US Chapter 9 History.ppt

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英语国家概况US Chapter 9 History

In which state is Chapter 9 American History I. America in the Colonial Era (-1776) Native Americans – Indians (P112,1) 1. When did they come? 2. Who were they? I. America in the Colonial Era (-1776) I. America in the Colonial Era (-1776) I. America in the Colonial Era (-1776) I. America in the Colonial Era (-1776) 1492 ------------------- 1607 first English colony ------- 1732 last English -------- By 1733, ------- colonies (P112,4) 1607-1776 The Colonial Period Sep.1774 Apr.1775 May.1775 July 4, 1776 Oct.1781 Sep.1783 Today, Washingtons face and image are often used as national symbols of the United States. The Process of the Civil War Challenges Abraham Lincoln faced: first priority—keeping the United States one country freedom for black people—secondary objective At the beginning of the war, the Union army suffered a lot of setbacks. In order to win the war, Lincoln decided to make the war a just war against slavery and issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. Many black slaves joined the Union Army. England and France stood by the Unions side. Gettysburg Address Lincoln’s life Feb 12, 1809, born to two uneducated farmers, in a one-room log cabin on the 348-acre (1.4 km2) Sinking Spring Farm, in southeast Hardin County, Kentucky 1816/7 Briefly attends school. His family was forced out of their home. He had to work to support them and crosses the Ohio River and settles in the backwoods of Indiana. 1818/9 kicked in the head by a horse and for a brief time is thought to be dead. Oct. 5, his mother dies of milk sickness” at the age of 34. 1831/22 Abe makes a second flatboat trip to New Orleans. His father moves again, but Abe doesnt go and instead settles in New Salem, Illinois, where he works as a clerk in the village store and sleeps in the back. Learns basic math, reads Shakespeare and Robert Burns and participates in a local debating society. Fails in business. 1832/23 In Mar, becomes a candidate for Illi


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