英语诗--John Donne..ppt

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英语诗--John Donne.

A Coursebook in English Poetry 英语诗歌教程 Song John Donne contents Historical Background Brief Introduction to Author Metaphysical Poetry 玄学派诗歌 Donne`s Works Analysis of the Song Historical Background The 17th century was the most turbulent(动荡不安)period in the history of the UK. The Queen Elizabeth died in 1603, Englands King and the parliament Contradiction becomes more intense, political unrest. In January 1649, Charles I was guillotined, may in the same year,the British declared a republic. 女王伊丽莎白死于1603年,英格兰的国王与议会的矛盾变得更加激烈,政治 动荡不安。1649年1月,查理一世被送上断头台,可能在同年,英国宣布为共 和国。 In politics, the Glorious Revolution carried on,established the system of capitalism, lays a foundationfor rapid development of the UK, is Britains political security become the day not Fall empire. In the economy, the Industrial Revolution happended. In the field of production and socialrelations, it caused a fundamental change,brought the huge influence to human history. John Donne John Donne (1572—1631) The leading figure of the metaphysical poetry Brief Introduction to Author John Donne was the most outstanding of the English Metaphysical Poets and a churchman famous for his spellbinding sermons. Donne was born in London to a prominen Roman Catholic family but converted to Anglicanism during the 1590s. Early Life At the age of 11 he entered the University of Oxford, where he studied for three years. According to some accounts, he spent the next three years at the University of Cambridge but took no degree at either university. He began the study of law at Lincolns Inn, London, in 1592, and he seemed destined for a legal or diplomatic career. Donne was appointed private secretary to Sir Thomas Egerton, Keeper of the Great Seal, in 1598. His Marrige His secret marriage in 1601 toEgertons niece, Anne More,resulted in his dismissal from this position and in a briefimpris


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