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Unit One 1.辅音音素/ p / 读下列单词,体会辅音/ p / 的发音: past pig put puzzle pear piano pet pilot pink pool map top rope asleep jump help sheep empty happy opposite apple puppet 朗读下列句子,注意黑体部分的发音: Pupils see a pin. A group of pupils see a pin. A group of pupils see a pin near a pond. 指出下列句子中各含有几个音素/ p /: ( ) I want a pen, a pencil and a piece of paper. ( ) People like to have a picnic in a park. ( ) The shop over there sells cheap computers. 2.辅音音素/ b / 读下列单词,体会辅音/ b / 的发音: bus baby bell bath biscuit bench bowl bend between above number subject ambulance ability alphabet rabbit cabbage rubber rubbish 朗读下列句子,注意黑体部分的发音: Bill wants to buy a ball. Bill wants to buy a big ball. Bill wants to buy a big beautiful ball. 指出下列句子中各含有几个音素/ b /: ( ) The baby rabbits don’t like cabbage. ( ) My brother is busy building a house ( ) The boy put butter on his hamburger. 3.辅音音素/ t / 读下列单词,体会辅音/ t / 的发音: take table tall tea time ten eat cat gate late letter little sitting–room button bottle butter 朗读下列句子, 注意黑体部分的发音: They are watching TV. They are watching TV in the sitting-room. They are watching TV in the sitting-room at ten. 指出下列句子中各含有几个音素/ t /: ( ) The teacher tells him to come on time. ( ) Don’t tell Tom that his cat is sick. ( ) That T-shirt is for the little Tim. 读下列单词,并说出词义: get potato fast fat taxi rat tall basket wait party wet toy 4.辅音音素/ d / 读下列单词,体会辅音/ d / 的发音: day dead dark desk deer door feed need head hard add ladder 朗读下列句子, 注意黑体部分的发音: Don’t ride your bike. Don’t ride your old bike. Dad, don’t ride your old bike. 指出下列句子中各含有几个音素/ d /: ( ) His little daughter doesn’t need the red bed. ( ) My daddy doesn’t find his old duck until he walks to the pond. ( ) Old wood to burn; Old wine to drink; Old friend to trust; Old books to read. 5.辅音音素/k/ 读下列单词,体会辅音/ k / 的发音: make lake kite shake shark s


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