英语:Unit 6 It is raining课件1(人教新目标七年级下).ppt

英语:Unit 6 It is raining课件1(人教新目标七年级下).ppt

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英语:Unit 6 It is raining课件1(人教新目标七年级下)

4. Here ______ some books, and here _____ some water. (be) 5. A: Where does she live? B: She ______ in Beijing. (live) 6.( ) Mary has a good time every day. 试比较: 7. ( ) Mary and Tom have a good time every day. A. have fun B. has fun 要点分析:如果同义词是谓语动词,则要考虑谓语动词的人称、单复数形式。 Grammar 本单元三个重点句型 A: How is the weather in Beijing? What is the weather like in Beijing? B: It is sunny./ It is rainy. / It is raining. /It is terrible. / It is bad. 2.A: How is it going with you? 你近况如何? B: It is pretty great / good.相当好。 It is great / good.好。 It is OK /so-so.一般。 It is not bad.不坏。 It is terrible / bad.差。(评价性 回答) 1.What are you doing? I am watching TV. 2.What are they doing? They’re studying. 3.What’s he doing? He’s playing basketball. 4.What’s she doing? She’s cooking. 3a Yuan yuan is reporting for CCTV’s Around The World show. Underline the things that people are doing. Circle the words that describe the weather. Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show. Today, we’re in Australia. It’s a beautiful, sunny day! There are many people here on vacation. Some are taking photos. Others are lying on the beach. Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball. They look cool! I am surprised they can play in this heat. This is a very interesting place. The people are really relaxed! Read the passage ,answer the following questions: Q2:What’s the weather like there? Q3:What are the people doing there? Q1:Where is the writer in? Q4:What does the writer see? Q5:How does the writer feel? Q6:How does the people feel? 1.Join CCTV’s Around The World show 加入《环球掠影》节目 2.on vacation = on holiday度假 3.take photos = take a phone照相 4.lie — lying 5.this group of people这群人 6.look cool 看起来真酷 7. In this heat 在这样的温度下 New phrases 1.Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show 2.Some are taking photos,others are lying on the beach (一些 …另一些) 3.This is a very interesting place =an int


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