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1. Background 2. Reasons for appearance of Shakespeare’s histories Economical and political achievements in Elizabeth Ⅰ 2.The contribution of Elizabeth Ⅰ The contribution of peerages (封爵贵族) 4.The contribution of middle class Agriculture 2. Industry ⑴ farms ⑴ mining, glass work enclosure movement ⑵working class farms, surplus labour ⑵ technology in plow 3. Commerce East India Company (1600) Spanish Company (1581) 1. religious policy tolerant middle class 2. clever diplomatic policy relationship with France and Spain Her interest on drama 1594~1603 the Lord Chamberlain’s Men (宫内大臣剧团) 33 Admiral’ Men (海军大臣剧团) 20 2. Her support on drama the poor act of 1575 Queen Elizabeth’s Men (女王供奉团) (1583) She isn’t the patronage of any play company. for financial consideration expenditure of herself, court, government and military for political consideration ⑴ her control over noblemen ⑵ her communication with middle class 1. Patronage ⑴puritan’s against on drama ⑵government’s disapproval on play-acting 2. peerages’ education ⑴countess of Pembroke Robert Garnier 1. The number of them is rising. 2. Their economical and political power are improved. 3. England education schools, universities 1. Many playwrights belong to the class. university wits 2. Many theatre-owners comes from the class. the theatre, the Rose 3. Many audiences belong to the class. 1 penny an egg 0.5 penny 1. England drama 2. Theatres, actors and playwrights in Shakespeare’s time 3. Historical Books and History-Exploration 4. Patriotism and nationalism 1. Since 11th century ⑴ characters ⑵ plot ⑶Latin 2. Since 12th century ⑴ Latin → English ⑵ churches → squares 1. Corpus Christi (圣体节) ⑴ 1318 ⑵ Corpus Christi and Pent



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