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Listen pro-actively and gather information 仔细聆听客人的需要,收集信息 Then give him a recommendation according to the dish and his budget. 根据他的菜肴和预算,推荐相应的葡萄酒 Pay attention to the circumstances season 注意环境和季节的变化 Offer one or two recommendations, no more. Do not read the wine list! 只提供一、两个建议,绝对不要照读酒单 Justify your choice briefly with a few words 简短的介绍一下你的推荐 Traditional drinkers 经常饮用葡萄酒的客人 Promote the characteristics of the region 强调葡萄酒的产地 Promote the grape variety 强调葡萄品种的不同 Region and appellation 产地 Vintage 年份 Grape variety 葡萄品种 Origin 产地 ( European clients 欧洲客人 ) ( Southern hemisphere + USA clients 南半球 + 美国客人 ) New drinkers 刚开始接触葡萄酒的客人 Show him that you fully understood his request 说明你完全理解他的需要 Perhaps recommend him another wine 或许可以向他推荐其他的葡萄酒 Most of the time, the client needs to be reassured 大多数时候,客人需要你进一步肯定他的选择 “To do so, tell him a few words about the vineyards, winemaker, recent wine tasting…” 接下来,向他介绍葡萄酒的酒园,酿造商,品酒辞……. Show the bottle and label standing on the right hand side of the person who ordered 站在点酒客人的右面,向他展示葡萄酒的瓶身和酒标 Never hold the bottle by the neck 绝对不要握酒瓶的瓶颈 Do not shake the bottle. Be gentle. 不要摇晃酒瓶,拿放轻柔。 Red wine should be served at room temperature 红葡萄酒可以在室温品尝 White, rose and sparkling wines should be served chilled and put in an ice bucket between pouring 白葡萄酒、玫瑰葡萄酒、汽泡酒饮用前都必须冷藏,余下的葡萄酒要连瓶放入冰桶保温 Always open in the presence of the guest and never hide the label 当着客人的面开启葡萄酒,不要隐藏葡萄酒标 Do not turn your back to your customer 不要背对你的客人 Cut the foil below the neck with opener. Do not pierce the cork 用酒刀割开瓶封,不要刺穿软木塞 Bend the cork a little bit at the end to avoid making a noise 拔出瓶塞底部时稍微弯曲一点,避免弄出噪音 Present the cork upon successful removal from the bottle. Do not leave the Capsule on the table 顺利开启葡萄酒后,不要把铝膜遗留在桌上 Ask the guest who made the order to t


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