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* ?The Kingdom of the Netherlands The name: The Kingdom of the Netherlands Flag:Blue said that countries facing the sea, symbolizing the peoples happiness; white symbol of freedom, equality, democracy, also on behalf of the people of the character traits simple red on behalf of the triumph of the revolution. The Kingdom of the Netherlands Location: The Holland west, north both aspects are close to the North Sea, east face Germany, meet Belgium in the south. Population: There are 16.34 million (August 2006) people in Holland, over 90% of Dutch people Residents of 36% Catholic, 26% Protestant Christian. System of government: The Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system the monarch Queen Beatrix — the official head of state the prime minister — head of the Cabinet three tiers of government — the national government, the provincial governments and the local or municipal councils. Capital city: Amsterdam, the capital of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Amsterdam) located in midtown Huxi South Shore, population 73.5 million (2003). Economy: The Netherlands is well-developed capitalist countries, the Western economic power in one of the top 10. Day: May 4 Flowers: tulips bird: spoonbills State stone: Diamond Climate: As near oceans, as well as to the impact of the North Atlantic Gulf Stream大西洋北部墨西哥湾流, the Netherlands is a temperate oceanic climate温带海洋性气候. The distribution of rainfall throughout the year rather uniform. The annual rainfall is about 760 millimeters. Language spoken :Holland official language is Dutch, belongs to a Germanic language Transportation :land, sea and air transport are highly developed. 1.The windmill Quintessence荷兰三大国粹 1.The windmill Quintessence荷兰三大国粹 桑斯安斯风车村 2.The tulip Quintessence荷兰三大国粹 2.The tulip Quintessence荷兰三大国粹 *


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