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5. The brain is an open system. That is to say, we have the ability to learn and never stop learning. We can understand the meaning of this characteristic by means of three points below. First, this concept of brain alerts us that although each of us can learn new ideas throughout life, how we respond at any one instant is a product of our genes and what the brain has experienced. Second, the notion of the brain as an open system reminds us that we can learn from each other. Third, because we can always continue to learn, we are capable of taking in information that goes well beyond dates and places. 6. Communication has a consequence. Chapter 3 Communication 1--------------25--------------50--------------75--------------100 Overt Covert Unconscious Biological Responses to messages 1.Where is Chinese Department? 2.Zhang San is a bad person . 3.People greet us by shaking hands instead of hugging. 4.If a handsome boy or beautiful girl tells you, “I love you!” 7. We are alike and we are different. Chapter 3 Communication Chapter 3 Communication We are identical in numerous physiological and chemical ways. We also seek emotional pleasure and flee injury to our feelings. We are also alike because all of us, regardless of our culture, must, at some point in life, face and attempt to resolve four fundamental truths. There are, of course, numerous other commonalities, even those that relate to perception. How we are like How we are different Lord Chesterfield once wrote, “There never were, since the creation of the world, two cases exactly parallel.” Our experience of the world is both internal and unique. Therefore, we each respond to the world differently. Cultural, as well as individual, differences keep us apart. A successful intercultural communicator appreciates similarities and accepts differences. Intercultural Communication 跨文化交际 Chapter 1 Communication and culture Communication Some anthropologist


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