跨文化交际barriers to ccc.ppt

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跨文化交际barriers to ccc

Honeymoon Phase the differences between the old and new culture are seen in a romantic light, wonderful and new love the new foods, the pace of the life, the peoples habits, the buildings and so on Negotiation Phase (weeks ) Differences become apparent and may create anxiety long for food in native country, find the pace of life too fast or slow, find the peoples habits annoying, disgusting, and irritating etc. Depression is not uncommon. Adjustment Phase ( 6 - 12 months) grow accustomed to the new culture and develops routines know what to expect in most situations and the host country no longer feels all that new. become concerned with basic living again, and things become more normal. Three Basic Outcomes Rejectors find it impossible to accept the foreign culture and integrate isolate themselves from the host countrys environment, which they come to perceive as hostile, withdraw into a ghetto and see return to their own culture as the only way out. Adopters integrate fully and take on all parts of the host culture while losing their original identity. They normally remain in the host country forever. Cosmopolitans manage to adapt the aspects of the host culture they see as positive, while keeping some of their own and creating their unique blend. Reverse cultural shock (a.k.a. Re-entry Shock) some mental problems in reentry process With changed perspective and personality, they feel it is hard for them to fit in when they are at home again. Four levels of cross-cultural awareness 1. Cultural differences are exotic 2. Cultural differences are frustrating 3. The different culture is believable 4. The different culture is believable as lived experience Improvements of cross-cultural communication 1) Display of respect 2) Orientation to knowledge 3) Empathy 4) Interaction management 5) Task role behavior 6) Relational role behavior 7) Tolerance for ambiguity 8) Interaction posture Barriers to Cross-cultural



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