跨文化交际Chapter 2.ppt

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跨文化交际Chapter 2

When uncertainty avoidance index is high, you tend to make a lot of rules, so that you may have as little uncertainty as possible. When uncertain avoidance index is low, you tend to accept differences and feel more relaxed about them. People are controlled. Easy-going, quiet, and do not show emotions. Masculinity vs. Femininity Masculinity: aggressiveness and assertiveness. Femininity: stresses nurturing, caring attention to people’s feelings and needs. Masculinity vs. Femininity Focus is heavily on getting job done and making the team more competent through training and use of up-to-date methods. One lives to work. Money and things are important. A clear distinction between social roles played by men and women. ------ high masculinity Masculinity vs. Femininity More likely to be concerned about the feelings of members and their smooth functioning as a team. One works in order to live. Quality of life is a high priority in life. Does not distinguish between social roles played by men and women so distinctly. ------ high femininity Long-term vs. short-term Members of ST orientation cultures look for a quick payoff, while people from LT orientation cultures are willing to defer gratification in pursuit of Long range goals. The willingness to work hard today for a future payoff is especially in East Asian cultures, including China, Japan, South Korea. Western industrialized cultures are much more focus on ST results. What are the similarities and difference among the studies of cultural patterns by Kluckhohn and strodtbeck, Hofstede, and Hall? The GLOBE study Full name: The global leadership and organizational behavior effectiveness Target: 17,000 Middle managers in 951 organizations Outcome: Construction of nine dimensions of cultural variation. Hall’s high-and low-context orientation Another tool for examining cultural differences is the approach described by the anthropologist Edward Hall. He distinguishes


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