选修7Module1 Reading practice.ppt

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选修7Module1 Reading practice

9. For a moment, he lay very still, and the referee even checked his pulse, but soon confirmed he was ok. confirmed vt.证实、确定;坚定、 加 强;批准、确认 (1) 证实、确定[+(that)] [+wh-] 他的信证实了一切。 His letter confirmed everything. (2) 坚定、加强 最新的发展使我坚信我的信仰。 The latest developments confirmed me in my belief. (3) 批准、确认 女王批准了此项条约。 The queen confirmed the treaty. Homework Revise what you have learnt during this period of class. 2. Get ready for Writing and Cultural Corner. Module 1 Basketball Reading Practice Reading practice---1. Warming-up Discuss the following questions. Do you think basketball is a safe or dangerous sport? 2. Have you ever seen or played in a basketball match where someone was hurt? 3. What possible risks are there when you are playing basketball? Reading Practice---2. Understanding of the title dizzy heights 令人眩晕的高度 the dizzy heights of…是习语,指重要的职位,显赫的地位,含有一定的幽默色彩。文章标题表面上用的是常用习语,其含蓄用意却回归在dizzy的本义上 (指球员被撞晕),有一语双关之意。 ------令人眩晕的校园篮球 a. Basketball is one of the safest sports. b. The players’ energy is partly directed upwards, so there’s less risk of a collision between two players. Reading practice---3. Read the passage and choose the sentence which best describes the writer’s conclusion. c. Although basketball players wear socks and sneakers which are specially designed to absorb the energy when they bound into the air, they wear no other protection. d. If there is an abrupt change of direction in their energy, there’s a real danger of personal injury. Reading Practice---4. Skimming ( the first 3 Paragraphs) 1. Why is it said that basketball is a safe sports? The players’ energy is partly directed upwards, at a 90-degree angle to the ground, and over the heads of the others. So this is less risk of a collision between two players. 2. Why do the players in other sports, such as baseball and American football wear helmets? In baseball and American football, the players’ energy moves parallel to the ground and toward


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