选修七 Unit 3 Under the sea-Language points.ppt

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选修七 Unit 3 Under the sea-Language points

练习 ( ) 1. Luckily, the cat ____ being caught. A. escaped B. tried C. overcame D. managed ( ) 2. A ware of being surrounded, the enemy ____ in disorder. A. cried B. fled C. fought D. walked A B 11. Being badly wounded, the whale soon died. 辨析: wound, injury, hurt, harm与damage wound 是战斗中刀枪的创伤、伤口 His brother was wounded in that battle. injury 是平时的大小创伤和伤害 He got serious injuries to the legs at work . He got his finger injured . 大家注意了! hurt 是指精神上的伤害和肉体的伤痛。 The hurt to his feelings is more serious than the hurt in his body. harm 指使有生命或者无生命的东西不再完整、美丽, 或者具有原来的价值。 Smoking a lot of cigarettes can harm and even kill over a long period of time. damage “车辆、船只、房屋”等的损坏。 The bus was badly damaged when it hit the wall . This storm did great harm / damage to the crops. 12. bring in “收(庄稼);引进;挣得(钱)” He brings in a wage of 1000 yuan a month. 我们国家引进许多先进的科学技术. Our country has brought in a lot of advanced technology . ※ bring out bring up bring about 使(意义等)明白表示出来,生产 吐出(vt); 抚养,养育 带来,造成 bring in , bring out , bring up ,bring about What ___________ his illness ? Please __________ the meaning of the passage . 3) Henry _____________ by his uncle . 4) When he was young , he began to sell goods, which made him _________ a lot of money . brought about bring out was brought up bring in 这是一个it作形式主语的句子,真正的主语是不定式to handle the boat。在用不定式、动名词从句作主语的句子里,通常用it作形式主语,而把真正的主语后置以避免头重脚轻。这样的句式通常有: 13. … it was difficult to handle the boat. …… 划船很困难。 It(形式主语)+v. It is + adj. to + v. that(主语)+ v. wh- 等词(主语)+ v. of sb. to do sth. for   seems (好像……) It + appears (看上去……) + that (主语+v.) happens (碰巧……) It is no use v.–ing 做……没有用 It is said (reported) that …   据说,据报道…… It is believed that … 人们相信…… It is thought that … 人们认为…… It has been proved that … 事实证明…… It is well-known that … 众所周知…… 14. abandon 【基础过关】 vt. 离开


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