选修7 unit 5 Travelling abroad using language.ppt

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选修7 unit 5 Travelling abroad using language

The Andes Mountains, runs parallel to the Pacific coast, and it is the longest Mountains in the world. 安第斯山脉中的马丘比丘古城遗迹是目前保存最完好的印加古城之一,1983年被列入世界文化遗产名录 Reading 1. Why is Cuzco popular with tourists? Cuzco is popular because it is close to Machu Picchu and is a good place to see both Spanish and Indian culture and art. 2. What is special about Lake Titicaca? Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in the world, on which boats can travel. 3. What do you think the two official languages of Peru are? Spanish and Indian. 语篇领悟 1. On which Tours can you visit the famous Inca ruins of the city of Machu Picchu? A. Tour 1 and Tour 2 B. Tour 2 and Tour 3 C. Tour 1 and Tour 3 D. Tour 3 and Tour 4 2. If you want to get an opportunity to learn about the Uros Indian’s life, you can choose _________ . A. Tour 1 B. Tour 2 C. Tour 3 D. Tour 4 3. You can ________ on Tour 4. A. explore the jungle B. enjoy some excellent food C. buy some great souvenirs D. Stay with a local family for a fully-day * Read the entry about Peru and find the places mentioned in the text on the map. Peru A country Three main geographical areas of Peru Ancient empire The capital of Peru The capital of Inca The Inca ruins A narrow coastal belt The Andes Mount. High and flat plains Inca Lima Cuzco Machu Picchu Lake Titicaca The highest lake in the world Peru is a contry on the Pacific coast of South America. Andes Moutain A n d e s M o u t a i n Amazon Jungle Lima, Capital City, lies on the Pacific coast Cuzco, in the South Mountainous area, the site of ancient capital of Inca civilization(印加文化) Andes Mountain, runs parallel to Pacific Ocean, the longest mountain in the world City Hall of Lima Machu Picchu Puno Lake Titicaca Peru A wide variety of plants and ________ wildlife Resource _________ by Spain from the 16th century; Independent in ______ History On the Paci


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