重大版高中英语必修1Unit 3单元检测.doc

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重大版高中英语必修1Unit 3单元检测

Unit 3 Powerful Music Ⅰ.单项填空 1.—I heard that as many as 24 people were killed in the accident. —Yes,    news came as     shock to me.(2013重庆一中高三上第四次月考)?                      A.a;a B.the;/ C./;a D.the;a 2.Maybe you have travelled to many parts of the world, but nowhere else     striking attractions.? A.you can see so many B.can you see such many C.you can see such many D.can you see many such 3.After questioning the man for six hours,the police     the information they wanted.? A.struck B.recovered C.appealed D.obtained 4.—Hi,Bob,are you going to attend tomorrow’s conference? —Oh,I’m afraid not,    invited to.(2013巴蜀中学月考)? A.even if B.as if C.even as D.ever since 5.Those students who show a special talent     using computers can be encouraged to learn programming.? A.of B.for C.with D.in 6.The entire hall burst into a great cheer and applause     the Nobel Prize winner appeared on the stage accompanied by the chairman.(2013重庆一中高三上第一次摸底考试)? A.until B.since C.by the time D.the moment 7.She talked again and again to her friend about careful driving,but     just turned a deaf ear to her words.? A.another B.other C.others D.the other 8.The government is planning to build a new primary school     many migrant workers with young children are now living.(2013重庆一中高三上第四次月考)? A.though B.when C.where D.so that 9.Many students believe the choice of their courses and universities should     their own interest.? A.be based on B.base on C.be basing on D.base at 10.Mike didn’t notice Alice entering his room.He     a phone call.? A.answered B.has answered C.was answering D.is answering 11.Persons under 18     not be employed in night work according to our government’s regulation.? A.might B.need C.could D.shall 12.—Has James finished his report on his Enquiry Learning yet? —I’m not sure.He     on it last week.? A.was working B.has worked C.worked D.had worked 13.—Tim,you are leaving for Jiuzhaigou tomorrow.Why not pack your clothes and food up now? —   .(2012江苏丰县华山中学高三模拟)? A.Good ide


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